During their orientation, CoAction Learning Lab Community Partners shared readings or videos that represent the subject matter and perspectives collectively deemed important. Participants were specifically asked to submit resources relevant to envisioning the future of teaching and learning in higher education. Learning leaders, technology leaders, and students across the Community Partner institutions made their selections. The end result is a list of inspirational and informative readings/videos, organized by theme, for higher education innovators — particularly as a new school year begins for many.

The High-Tech Classroom

How AR and VR Will Revolutionize the Classroom

Student Learning and Virtual Reality: The Embodied Experience

Twenty Years of EdTech” (PDF)

Emerging Technology & Society

The Ascent of Artificial Intelligence: How Will AI Change the Nation-State?
The Brookings Institution

Launch of the 2018 Emerging Tech Trends Report, SXSW 2018” (Video)
Future Today Institute

The Near Future. Ready for Anything.” (Video)

Robot-Proof: Higher Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence” (Video)

Inclusivity & Accessibility

5 Tips for ADA-Compliant Inclusive Design
Inside Higher Ed

Accessibility Laws for Online Learning Content

Does Open Pedagogy Require OER?
Clint Lalonde

The Impact of Open Educational Resources on Various Student Success Metrics” (PDF)
International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

Lift Every Voice: An Anthology of Contemporary Student Writings on Race” (PDF)
The WAC Journal

Redefining Education Delivery

Defining ‘Regular and Substantive’ Interaction in the Online Era
Inside Higher Ed

The iGen Shift: Colleges Are Changing to Reach the Next Generation
The New York Times

Preparing Young People for the Future of Work” (PDF)
Mitchell Institute, Victoria University

Transforming the Educational Model
Curtin University

The Art of Teaching: Theory and Practice

Design Research at the Crossroads of Education and Practice
She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation

Does Tailoring Instruction to ‘Learning Styles’ Help Students Learn?
American Educator

Evaluating Learning Approaches in ‘Cubic’ Space: Engagement & Learning Multipliers…
Unfold Learning

Game Design as a Catalyst for Learning (PDF)
Tracy Wong, featured in Teacher Librarian, 44(2), 34-37

The Heart of a Teacher” (PDF)
Center for Courage & Renewal (Excerpt from The Courage to Teach: Exploring the Inner Landscape of a Teacher’s Life)

Learning and Games” (Video)
ChangSchoolTalks 2016: Experiential Learning in Action

The Evolution of Academia in the Digital Era

Academic Work in the Digital Age
Digital Education Research at Monash University (link to audio file includes link to transcript)

The Digital Scholar Revisited
The Digital Scholar: Philosopher’s Lab

Reimagining the Role of Technology in Higher Education
U.S. Department of Education Office of Educational Technology (a supplement to the 2016 National Educational Technology Plan)

Information Literacy

Information Literacy: Research and Collaboration across Disciplines
Barbara J. D’Angelo, Sandra Jamieson, Barry Maid, and Janice R. Walker

Classics (2+ years old)

A Brief Guide to Learning Faster (And Better)” (2011)
Scott H. Young

The Importance of Universal Design for Learning” (2008)
Usable Knowledge, Harvard Graduate School of Education

The Looming Gamification of Higher Ed” (2015)
The Chronicle of Higher Education

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0” (2008)
The World Wide Web Consortium (WC3)