Framework for Stakeholder Inclusion in the Technology Planning Process


The approach outlined in this resource is designed to assist higher education leaders in driving successful and inclusive education technology initiatives by making stakeholder inclusion a core part of the technology processes. By illuminating the needs of three stakeholder groups and recommending actionable steps for inclusion, this resource strives to address some of the challenges to successful educational technology initiatives in higher education and further the values of the CoAction Learning Lab.

While this resource responds to a significant opportunity for improvement in education technology planning and adoption, it is not comprehensive. Below are three areas that the CoAction Learning Lab recommends for further exploration:

  • Balancing conflicting or seemingly conflicting stakeholder needs or institutional priorities;
  • Sustainable strategies and programs for getting busy stakeholders to be meaningfully involved in the process; and
  • Bridging silos and creating a culture of collaboration in and through technological initiatives.

The development and enactment of this approach takes places within the context of transformational change in technology, education, and society. As leaders, practitioners, and participants in education, technology, and society, we have moved beyond the mindset of a technology solution as an endpoint. We must enter a frame of mind — and of action — where change is ongoing with our shared values as a constant guiding light.


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We invite you to build on this framework draft by accessing the ready-for-your-touches document version and adapting it to fit the needs of your initiative or institution. Join the conversation by tagging #YoursInCoAction on social media and visiting